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Mensajes - Threepwang

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Sorry, no wait, there is an error on this patch !
I'm watching and uploading the correct patch tomorrow.
Sorry again !

Last time I wrote :

"I noticed a small msg error.
When Gabriel enters the cave where Von Zell is located.
It says "Bosque" in the title bar.
(See MSG 600 - Line 18)
Normally it should be:
Cueva: Entrada / Cueva: Interior
(See MSG 660 - Line 2 and 670 - Line 6)"

My friends, this is a fixed which remedies this problem :

Thank you Pakolmo you are always very cool, I appreciate it, really :)
But don't bother, because the game was released in French.
So I already have the words in French.

But the words in the French version are not the same size.
This is why I decided to redraw the words.

In addition the dubbing in the VF is horrible!
My goal is to make an English version with French subtitles.

Since we have the same project,
you in Spanish and me in French.
I come from time to time to report bugs to you.
Because there are many small bugs in the game.

A last word :
Check the game score. It is abnormally high.
The normal score is 678 points maximum !

For the green words on the tape recorder.
I almost delete everything.
I had to redraw each letter
because they were not always the same size.
I think, there is no other alternative.

I noticed a small msg error.
When Gabriel enters the cave where Von Zell is located.
It says "Bosque" in the title bar.
(See MSG 600 - Line 18)
Normally it should be:
Cueva: Entrada / 6 Cueva: Interior
(See MSG 660 - Line 2 and 670 - Line 6)

I'm so stupid, you are right, everything is fine now :lol:
Many thank's !

Juegos / Re:Return to Zork - Full CD + Parche
« en: Marzo 23, 2020, 03:36:55 am »
Why not make a subtitle patch.
Videos are encoded in MPEG format, that should be possible?
Has someone already tried?

Hi Pakolmo, The message is sent !
Thank you for your time, it was really nice.

Hi Pakolmo,
Wouah, I didn't know this was even a possibility,  it's terrific! You are powerful!

I installed the GOG version and I added my patch.
But the subtitles is not displayed and the game has crashed.

Can you give me your modified Executable?
My best

Are the subtitles displayed with ScummVM? "It's incredible !"
What should I do to make my patch work with ScummVM?

There is a Russian patch,  it may be worth :

I have one question on it ?
Your patch not ScummVM compatible?
Because it is impossible or am I wrong?

Botón INFO :
I solved this problem, it not very complicated, "it's just a conflict".
Please remove from the PATCH the files 33 HEP and 33 SCR ;)

OK, I don't touch anything. Many thank's.

Ah, great for the pic !

I have a question about the French patch :
What do I do with the MSG 12?
Should I remove them?
Should I leave it as is?
Do I need to restore the original?
Everything has been working fine,
but I'd just like your opinion :-\
My best

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