AbandonSocios: El Portal de los Juegos Antiguos

Abandonsocios => No me funciona el juego => Mensaje iniciado por: leszoke en Agosto 17, 2004, 03:02:56 am

Título: I cannot install normality
Publicado por: leszoke en Agosto 17, 2004, 03:02:56 am
I have downloaded the 3 parts of the game, but when i'm installing there's a message like this

"You don't have 3074k of extended memory"

what's this? There's something wrong with my HD?
Título: I cannot install normality
Publicado por: Elessar en Agosto 17, 2004, 03:36:00 am
ehm... what game?.

anyway, you must have the EMS memory activated to run the game. download any ms-dos bootdisk, or better the bootdisk from La Selva Camaleon (http://www.selvacamaleon.net), and turn on the computer with the disk in the floppy.

p.d: usuario rebotado del tracker? menudo ingles mas oxidado tengo por dios
Título: I cannot install normality
Publicado por: Eldor en Agosto 17, 2004, 08:15:29 am
In such case U could use the DosBox utility, or use the boot disk from la Selva as said Elessar.

The problem is that windows don't use XMS memory (nor EMS Expanded Memory). There's everything ok with your HD
Título: I cannot install normality
Publicado por: j_ghost350 en Agosto 17, 2004, 12:24:11 pm
The url to the boot disk is http://www.selvacamaleon.net/abandon/utili...lidades/so.html (http://www.selvacamaleon.net/abandon/utilidades/so.html)

Its the second one, the one that says "Disco de La Selva del Camaleon "
Título: I cannot install normality
Publicado por: Treven en Agosto 17, 2004, 13:22:38 pm
For more help convendrerly know the name of the game
Título: I cannot install normality
Publicado por: Eldor en Agosto 17, 2004, 14:35:04 pm

Bonito spanglish

 :lol:  :lol:  :lol:
Título: I cannot install normality
Publicado por: Treven en Agosto 17, 2004, 15:05:50 pm
queria decir convendría jejeje
Título: I cannot install normality
Publicado por: Johan en Agosto 17, 2004, 15:14:13 pm
Cita de: -=[CSP]=-TREVEN
For more help convendrerly know the name of the game

Lo que a ti te convendria es leerte el titulo del post :roll:

Esta hablando del Normality.

El Dosbox no se si seria una opcion en este caso, ya que no tira muy rapido con juegos pseudo 3D.

@ leszoke:

By the way, if you can't install the bootdisk (because Windows incompatibility or something like that), first you'll have to make a windows boot disk and then overwrite it's contents with La Selva del Camaleon boot disk.
Título: I cannot install normality
Publicado por: Elessar en Agosto 17, 2004, 18:01:37 pm
anda leñe, si dice el nombre del juego.  :oops:
Título: I cannot install normality
Publicado por: Treven en Agosto 17, 2004, 20:29:01 pm
Jajjajajaja pos te habra pasao como a mi yo creia que decia que no puede instalarlo con normalidad :p
Título: I cannot install normality
Publicado por: Eldor en Agosto 18, 2004, 08:30:35 am
Johan, depende del ordenata pero con un minimo ajuste tira bien l jueguecillo.
Título: I cannot install normality
Publicado por: nicolasara en Agosto 20, 2004, 03:09:01 am
Cita de: Eldor

Bonito spanglish

 :lol:  :lol:  :lol:

jajajajajajjajaj no lo habia leido jajajajajjaja
Título: I cannot install normality
Publicado por: leszoke en Agosto 22, 2004, 04:47:36 am
I have downloaded the Arranque, but when i select EMS con CD-Rom it istalls, but after appears somethin like "A:/" and i have to digit something. I don't know what to do
Título: I cannot install normality
Publicado por: j_ghost350 en Agosto 22, 2004, 05:11:06 am
You should go with the C: command or w/e the drive is, then pressing dir u will see all the stuff in that folder, then you gotta press cd <folder> until you get to the folder the game is in, and use the file name (play.exe or something like that) without the cd of course.