AbandonSocios: El Portal de los Juegos Antiguos

Abandonsocios => No me funciona el juego => Mensaje iniciado por: leszoke en Agosto 22, 2004, 05:15:10 am

Título: How I get EMS with Arranque?
Publicado por: leszoke en Agosto 22, 2004, 05:15:10 am
I have the Arranque and my windows is XP. When appears the options

"1.EMS con CD-Rom

2. EMS sin CD-Rom

3. XMS con CD-Rom

4. XMS sin CD-Rom"

I choose 1, then teh arranque installs and I cannot end the arranque. There's something I must load from A:/, but I don't know what. Could someone help me?
Título: How I get EMS with Arranque?
Publicado por: den_p8 en Agosto 22, 2004, 05:24:47 am
Your hard disk partition is FAT32 or NTFS? MS-DOS only run in partitions FAT32
Título: How I get EMS with Arranque?
Publicado por: leszoke en Agosto 22, 2004, 05:27:11 am
my HD is FAT32
Título: How I get EMS with Arranque?
Publicado por: den_p8 en Agosto 22, 2004, 05:30:40 am
try again with another boot system disk, go to www.dantoine.com "apps" and download "Disco de arranque"

good luck :)
Título: How I get EMS with Arranque?
Publicado por: Elessar en Agosto 22, 2004, 05:59:07 am
den... que dice que no sabe que hacer despues de A:/...

leszoke: read the j_ghost's answer in "i cannot installl normality" post.
Título: How I get EMS with Arranque?
Publicado por: Johan en Agosto 22, 2004, 13:29:24 pm
Just remember these MS-DOS commands:

"X:" is to change the driveletter, where X is the letter (ie: "C" is your primary harddrive, "A" is your diskdrive, "D" is usually the secondary harddrive, etc...)

"cd FOLDER" cd is used for entering folders, where FOLDER is the foldername. You have ton enter in a folder in order to run its files. to return to a previous folder, you have to type "cd.."

"dir" this will show you the contents of the folder where you are.
Título: How I get EMS with Arranque?
Publicado por: den_p8 en Agosto 23, 2004, 04:20:46 am
ups, lo que me ha pasado es que respondi sin acabar de leer el post, en cuanto vi que no podia "terminar el arranque" deduci que podia ser un problema del disco, ahora me he dado cuenta de la parte donde dice "There's something I must load from A:/, but I don't know what. Could someone help me?"  :oops:

leszone tell us the complete path of the folder and we can tell you what need you to type after this in a:

Example: C:/games/monkey island

PD: hoy mi ingles no es muy fino :oops: