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Mensajes - Dominik15

Páginas: [1]
Juegos / Re:Wargasm
« en: Septiembre 14, 2021, 00:04:55 am »
I'm sorry, but I only know English and you really don't want me to start translating into Spanish via google translator.
Probably no one around would know what problem I was solving.

Juegos / Re:Wargasm
« en: Septiembre 13, 2021, 22:49:51 pm »
I would prefer a normal installer over Rips but I probably won't have anything left unless another way is found.

Juegos / Re:Wargasm
« en: Septiembre 13, 2021, 22:16:33 pm »
Hi this is maybe the only forum in the world where there is a topic with this super old-school game so I had to register :lol:
I used to play it on Windows 10 as well, but it seems that in its latest version 21H1, the setup will no longer run. Does the author of the post or anyone else have an idea how to run it on the latest Windows 10?

Páginas: [1]