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« Respuesta #15 en: Marzo 17, 2023, 16:28:23 pm »
Nueva version, se trata de la v2.0 y estas son las novedades:

Código: [Seleccionar]
* Re-wrote DREAMM’s user interface to run on top of SDL2, enabling MacOS support.
* Wrote assembly language versions of my i386 interpreter for both Intel and ARM platforms.
* Added Direct3D emulation support, with a multicore software renderer.
* Introduced support for many new games, including the GrimE engine games, several Star Wars games, and others.
* Expanded support for more demo and alternate versions of games, including my own Windows ports (yes, I now emulate myself).
* Added support for Super VGA output, plus basic joystick controls.
* Added in-game volume controls, plus many other quality-of-life UI improvements.

Los juegos que ahora emula son estos:

Código: [Seleccionar]
* Maniac Mansion
* Zak McKracken & the Alien Mindbenders
* Indiana Jones and the Last Crusade: The Graphic Adventure
* Loom
* The Secret of Monkey Island
* Monkey Island 2: LeChuck’s Revenge
* Indiana Jones and the Fate of Atlantis
* Day of the Tentacle
* Sam & Max Hit the Road
* Full Throttle
* The Dig
* The Curse of Monkey Island

Código: [Seleccionar]
* Grim Fandango
* Escape from Monkey Island

Star Wars
Código: [Seleccionar]
* Star Wars: Rebel Assault
* Star Wars: X-Wing
* Star Wars: TIE Fighter
* Star Wars: Rebel Assault II: The Hidden Empire
* Star Wars: Dark Forces

Código: [Seleccionar]
* Afterlife

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Desconectado Neville

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« Respuesta #16 en: Marzo 17, 2023, 16:36:49 pm »
La hostiiiiiaaaaa... ¡soporte para los juegos de naves de Star Wars! ¡Y para el Dark Forces!  :huh:

Esto hay que probarlo.

EDITO: Bastante intuitivo. Con ALT+A añadimos cada juego, basta con arrastrar la ISO de cada uno a la ventana y DREAMM se ofrecerá a instalarlos. Probado hasta ahora con Dark Forces (en inglés), X-Wing y TIE Fighter.

No hay (o no veo) mejoras gráficas, pero igual que con los demás juegos podemos copiar la BIOS de la MT-32 a la carpeta de DREAMM y jugar con este modo de sonido. Y también "pilla" fuentes MIDI en formato SF2.
« Última modificación: Marzo 17, 2023, 16:55:48 pm por Neville »

Desconectado Neville

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« Respuesta #17 en: Septiembre 03, 2023, 12:50:57 pm »
Veo que acaba de salir la v2.1 de este emulador / utilidad / loque sea. Las novedades son estas:


DREAMM 2.1 sports a number of significant upgrades over the original 2.0 release. In short, the major changes are:

Greatly enhanced Windows emulation to support new games:
Indiana Jones and His Desktop Adventures
Mortimer and the Riddles of the Medallion
Star Wars: Shadows of the Empire
Star Wars: Yoda Stories
Star Wars: Jedi Knight: Dark Forces II
Star Wars: Jedi Knight: Mysteries of the Sith
Star Wars: Behind the Magic
Star Wars: Episode I Insider’s Guide
Indiana Jones and the Infernal Machine

Extended support for Windows releases of Star Wars: X-Wing, Star Wars: TIE Fighter, and Afterlife.
Added support for Star Wars: Making Magic multimedia CD
Added support for running on Linux systems, both Intel and ARM.
Added detection of dozens of new game variants.
Improved the UI, adding mechanism to verify installed games.
Added support for MDS/MDF and CCD/IMG CD image formats.
Added a mechanism to turn on portable mode, where all data is kept next to the DREAMM executable.
(Re-)added standalone mode if you place DREAMM next to the game files.
Added an OPL-based MIDI emulator as a fallback for all platforms.
Games can now be installed via the command line.
Added limited telemetry to notify me remotely if DREAMM runs into problems.

Telita, ¿eh? A ver si consigo echar a andar el Shadows of the Empire y os cuento.

Las descargas, en su página web.

EDITO: Pues tira, tira:

Y también el Jedi Knight. De momento sólo he probado versiones en inglés.

« Última modificación: Septiembre 03, 2023, 15:50:06 pm por Neville »

Desconectado RodrigoH17

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« Respuesta #18 en: Septiembre 03, 2023, 16:59:21 pm »
Muchas gracias por la noticia!

Supongo que la idea es que emule/ejecute la mayoria de los juegos de LucasArts.

Desconectado Neville

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« Respuesta #19 en: Septiembre 03, 2023, 17:09:02 pm »
No le quedan muchos de esta época, me parece. Aunque estaría bien que para el futuro añadiera Episode I: Racer y Outcast.

Ah, bueno, aunque también hay juegos de estrategia ambientados en la saga.

Desconectado RodrigoH17

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« Respuesta #20 en: Septiembre 03, 2023, 17:32:33 pm »
Es cierto que de esa epoca (Pentium / Pentium II) no faltan muchos.

Agrego estos que tambien faltarian:

Star Wars: Rogue Squadron 3D
Star Wars: Episode I - The Phantom Menace
Star Wars: Episode I - Battle for Naboo

Desconectado Neville

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« Respuesta #21 en: Octubre 01, 2023, 18:18:29 pm »
Ha salido una v2.1.1 con algunas mejoras:


* Fixed error/lack of sound with some versions of Yoda Stories
* Fixed unpredictable audio synchronization in Mortimer
* Fixed joystick in Outlaws (and other Winodws games)
* Fixed ARM-specific hangs in Infernal Machine menus
* Improve handling of very long pathnames during installation
* Improve behavior of Windows emulation process cleanup to reduce crashes
* Fix crashes when exiting Indiana Jones and His Desktop Adventures
* Fix race condition when starting up the 3D rendering threads
* Fix occasional crash when rendering overlays with custom images
* Support version 3 MDS image files
* Add support for a number of new international releases

Doy fe de que ahora identifica mejor las versiones en castellano de algunos juegos:

Desconectado RodrigoH17

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« Respuesta #22 en: Octubre 01, 2023, 20:56:30 pm »
Gracias por el aviso, que suerte que ahora vayan bien las versiones en español.

Desconectado Neville

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« Respuesta #23 en: Octubre 01, 2023, 21:49:31 pm »
El Mysteries of the Sith me ha ido bien y en castellano al a primera. En cambio no termina de irme bien con el Jedi Knight compartido en el foro. Las imágenes de CD son en formato Nero, que no está soportado, y si las convierto a BIN/CUE me lo detecta como español con algún reparo, pero luego el juego sigue en inglés.

Ni siquiera hay que volver a instalar los juegos, el programa se ofrece a revisar los ya instalados y a cambiarlos de idioma, como se ve en la captura.

Pero vaya, cualquier avance es bienvenido, me gusta mucho este programa.

Desconectado RodrigoH17

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« Respuesta #24 en: Octubre 01, 2023, 22:19:24 pm »
Habria que avisarle que esa version en español esta dando problemas o tratar de conseguir una imagen 1:1 y probar.

Desconectado Neville

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« Respuesta #25 en: Octubre 01, 2023, 22:24:56 pm »
Creo que lo primero sería volver a dumpear la edición española en formato BIN/CUE o en MDF/MDS. Tal vez así DREAMM lo detecte correctamente.

Desconectado Neville

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« Respuesta #26 en: Diciembre 08, 2023, 20:16:18 pm »
Nueva versión, la v2.1.2:

- Added command line option -option = to control parameters from an external frontend
- Added -fullscreen and -window options as shortcuts for -option window/fullscreen=true/false
- Fixed launching Behind the Magic/Episode 1 Insider's Guide from the command line
- Fixed restart when launching from command line
- Fixed problem with verifying installed games when subfolders also contained games (e.g., DOTT)
- Disallowed direct launching of installers/upgraders from the command line (use -install -instead)
- Added support for older ZIP compression types
- Added support for Indiana Jones and the Last Crusade (FM Towns) version 1.5.13
- Added support for Indiana Jones and the Fate of Atlantis (Japanese)
- Added support for new verified Secret of Monkey Island (Spanish) version
- Added support for Jedi Knight (French) with incorrect CD 2 (which is how it seems to have shipped)
- Removed Zak McKracken (Spanish) as it is a fan translation

Han quitado el soporte a la versión en castellano del Zak MacKraken por no ser oficial  :'(

Descargas aquí.

Desconectado RodrigoH17

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« Respuesta #27 en: Febrero 10, 2024, 14:48:24 pm »
Tenemos una nueva version (v3.0b1), no es estable aun, se trata de una beta.

Los cambios:

Código: [Seleccionar]
New Games and Variants added since 2.1.x
* New Lucasfilm DOS games supported:
   - PHM Pegasus (1988)
   - Battlehawks 1942 (1988)
   - Strike Fleet (1989)
   - Pipe Dream (1989)
   - Their Finest Hour: Battle of Britain (1989)
   - Indiana Jones and the Last Crusade: The Action Game (1989)
   - Night Shift (1990)
   - Secret Weapons of the Luftwaffe (1991)
   - Indiana Jones and the Fate of Atlantis: The Action Game (1992)
   - Master Blazer (1992)
* New Lucasfilm-related DOS games supported:
   - Indiana Jones And The Temple Of Doom (Mindscape/Atari Games/Tengen, 1989)
   - Super Star Wars prototype (never released)
   - Star Wars Chess (Software Toolworks, 1993)
* Added support for expansion packs and upgraders, specifically for:
   - Their Finest Hour: Their Finest Missions
   - Secret Weapons of the Luftwaffe: 4 expansion packs
   - X-Wing: Imperial Pursuit and B-Wing expansion packs
   - TIE Fighter: Defender of the Empire expansion pack
   - Loom: Roland upgrade
   - Secret of Monkey Island: roland upgrade
* Added several new variants of existing games

New Emulation Features since 2.1.x
* Game deltas and configuration are now stored separately for each game version
   - This means that multiple versions won't interfere with each other
   - However, it means you will need to manually share save states or other info
* Rewrote video output path to use OpenGL with custom shaders
   - Use Alt-S/Cmd-S to toggle between basic scaling, epx smoothing, and CRT simulation
   - Basic scaling now uses a custom shader for higher quality results
   - epx smoothing is also now done on your GPU via a custom shader
   - CRT simulation is a new shader that models scanlines and shadow masks (works best at 1440p+)
   - If OpenGL support not available, falls back to old SDL way (but no CRT simulation)
* Rewrote video BIOS implementation to match the particulars of each supported card
* Implemented more VGA features and added some more modes, up to 1280x1024
* Added accurate refresh timings for all video hardware
* Added "fixed mode" execution that provides more consistent behavior
   - Most early games (pre-Full Throttle) now run in fixed mode all the time
   - Later DOS games use fixed mode at startup (for timing loops), then switch to dynamic mode
   - Windows games continue to use previous dynamic mode
* Added keyboard scripting support so game installers are now automated
* Implemented many previously missing DOS and BIOS functions
   - This means you're less likely to hit an "unimplemented INT" error
   - Yes, you can now test your system in the Rebel Assault II launcher 😉
* Added reduimentary DOS batch file support

New Frontend Features since 2.1.x
* Version is displayed in upper-right as link you can click to get the about box
* Text now auto-resizes in cases where it doesn't fit
* Some small animations have been added to liven things up
* Higher resolution images and fonts now supported for 1440p+ displays
* Main game select screen:
   - If you have lots of games you can now rotate through them via keyboard or mouse
   - Typing an alphabetic character jumps to the first game starting with that letter
   - Star Wars games are now sorted ignoring the "Star Wars:" prefix
   - The Add New Games button returns to the main screen
* Configure and launch screen:
   - Scroll wheel now works to rotate between variants
   - The current game configuration options are shown, with a link to click to modify them
   - Interdependent options now work (e.g., resolution in Outlaws depends on graphics driver)
   - Configuration of MT32/GMIDI outputs now shown as a separate item
* DREAMM options:
   - New option to install sound fonts or MT-32 ROMs, plus show what's installed or view folder
   - Telemetry setting moved here from about box
* Add new games screen:
   - Created multi-disk install path to help installing from multiple physical disks
   - Added link to page with info on where to purchase games online
* File dates & times are now preserved when installing
* Floppy images and ZIP files nested within other containers are now detected
* To use an upgrader/install an expansion pack, you now must first select the game to upgrade

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Desconectado Neville

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  • Fecha de registro: Diciembre 17, 2010, 22:28:17 pm
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« Respuesta #28 en: Febrero 10, 2024, 19:34:27 pm »
Este hombre se supera a cada versión. Me muero de ganas de probar el soporte para el "Secret weapons of the Luftwaffe", por ejemplo.

EDITO: ¡Yupiiiiii!

« Última modificación: Febrero 10, 2024, 21:18:03 pm por Neville »

Desconectado RodrigoH17

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« Respuesta #29 en: Febrero 10, 2024, 20:47:28 pm »
Si sigue asi va a terminar de emular todo el catalago de LucasArts de esa epoca.