Autor Tema: UFO: Enemy Unknown y X-Com: Terror From The Deep - (a.k.a. X-Com Ufo Defense 1 y 2)  (Leído 33772 veces)

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Desconectado Gelon

  • Joshua
  • ****
  • Mensajes: 1660
  • País: es
  • Sexo: Masculino
  • Fecha de registro: Agosto 12, 2004, 09:45:39 am
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Otro mod de los importes se ha actualizado hoy, en este caso para X-Com: The X-Com Files.

- New palette (by Brain_322).
- 16 new faces (by Osobist).
- New weapons: Portable Laser Cannon (bigob by Rockfish, slightly altered), Portable Turbolaser Cannon (bigob by Brain_322), Laser SMG (graphics by Brain_322), Laser Sniper Rifle (bigob by Brain_322; old Laser Sniper Rifle renamed to Turbolaser Sniper Rifle).
- New ammo: BlackOps CAWS Baton Clip.
- New missions: Ethereal Retaliation, MiB Lunar Base.
- New UFOs: Arbiter (map and sprite by Brain_322), Dreadnought (map by Wolverin, sprite by Brain_322).
- New terrain: Autumn Forest (recolor by Brain_322), for The Sound of Graves.
- 1 new Urban map (by Dioxine).
- 2 new Postindustrial maps (by Dioxine).
- 2 new Jungle maps (by Dioxine).
- 1 new Cult Safehouse.
- 2 new Cult Outposts (by Brain_322).
- 2 new Dimension X Outpost buildings (by Dioxine).
- 2 new Mansion map variants (by Brain_322).
- New building map for the Syndicate Assassination (by Brain_322).
- New reload sounds for most weapons (thanks to Dioxine and Brain_322 for some resources).
- New MiB-related research.
- Many new Ufopaedia illustrations (one by Bloax, one by Brain_322).
- Some paperdoll improvements (by Talpiot).
- Updated character sets.
- Added MiB Psi Ops armor processing.
- Interceptor now carries Heavy Rockets instead of Light Rockets.
- Kitsune requires Advanced Intelligence Center.
- Pilots attacking hunter-killer UFOs now have a chance to survive.
- Many enemy vehicles show their mission details even without the Hyper-Wave Decoder (scripting by Yankes).
- Removed Ethereals from some missions.
- Decreased the chances for manors to appear by 33%.
- Manors usually start at level 1, regardless of time passed.
- Black Lotus Party lasts longer.
- Scorpoids are somewhat stealthy.
- Added MiB Shock Trooper Armor Adaptation.
- Removed redundant Alloy Vest fist attacks.
- Cleaned up Counter-Terrorist sprite.
- Switched to battlescape palette.
- Fixed Keystone commendation.
- Fixed some spawns in the Academy Tower.
- Fixed routes on some Vampire Castle maps (by Dioxine).
- Fixed Salt Pile being researchable without the item.
- Fixed psi vision on the Liquidator for hybrids.
- Fixed Televised Ghost Hunt building.
- Fixed Alien Downtown Attack alien race.
- Minor fixes and tweaks.

Desconectado Gelon

  • Joshua
  • ****
  • Mensajes: 1660
  • País: es
  • Sexo: Masculino
  • Fecha de registro: Agosto 12, 2004, 09:45:39 am
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Nueva actualización de OpenXCom Extended y X-Com Files.

OXCE 7.9:

- Alternate loadout system #2 (by karadoc):,10998.0.html
- Improved alternate craft equipment management:,10984.0.html
- Option "add on top" when loading craft equipment (F9):,10851.0.html
- Items from geoscape events appear instantly:,11043.msg154806.html#msg154806
- Click to open folder location:,11223.0.html

- Manual promotions option (by MaxMahem):,11122.0.html
- Global Alien Containment UI (by JG):,10915.0.html
- Persistent geoscape debug log:,11225.0.html
- Display soldier stat at cap in Soldier Info UI (by MaxMahem):,11118.0.html
- Option to show base name in research finished popup (by JG):,7715.0.html
- Craft returning after mission or low on fuel don't trigger alien base hunt missions:,5717.msg154550.html#msg154550
- 2x2 soldiers now also can feel team-wide morale loss
- Performance improvements in lighting engine
- Ability to check the minimum required version of a master mod (`requiredMasterModVersion`):
- Added option to override displayed mod version number (`versionDisplay`):
- Tracking which mod last touched a given rule/object:,11227.0.html
- Missing sprite/sound error message made clearer (a bit):,9687.msg150662.html#msg150662
- FPS voxel view now avoids fish eye projection:,11224.0.html

- Added ability to spawn items from projectiles (e.g. flare launcher):,10823.0.html
- More options for spawning zombies, units and items:,11241.0.html
- Added support for Ladders / Climbing:,11186.0.html
- Score points for manufacturing:,10970.0.html
- Added `requiresBuyCountry` for soldiers and craft (by MaxMahem):,11180.0.html
- Option for aliens to build a base where a UFO lands:,10860.0.html
- Units afraid to pathfind through fire now moddable:,11212.0.html
- Alternative pedia article for items (MMB):,8707.msg154796.html#msg154796
- Allow for custom colors for each opacity level (transparency LUTs):,11228.0.html
- Added `refNode` support for more entities
- Added more options how rulesets can be overridden:,11198.0.html
- Breaking change from OXC: "Demigod" feature now also available as a standard mod; and it now also affects `dQty` and `extraQty`
- New experience award system -- now optional:,4230.msg154823.html#msg154823

- Added ability to share tag definitions (`tagsFile`):,11102.0.html
- Exposed alien item level and reinforcements item level to scripts:,6586.msg153798.html#msg153798
- Added new hook `damageSpecialUnitAmmo`

- Fixed issue with avatar change GUI:,5047.msg152518.html#msg152518
- Fixed visual bug during aiming (by MaxMahem):
- Fixed Triton wall bug:,11084.0.html
- Fixed HK interception bug:,11219.0.html
- Prevent 2x2 chryssalids spawning from 1x1 zombies
- Prevent corner case crash in base defense:,10848.0.html
- Added warning if more than one research topic has 'unlockFinalMission: true':,5566.msg154095.html#msg154095
- Fixed a few OXC memory leaks
- from OXC: fixed loading of terrain/civilianTypes:,11109.0.html
- from OXC: fix guided missile pathing to avoid friendlies; also avoids known enemies that are not the intended target
- from OXC: fix out of memory error on large display resolutions:,11197.0.html,5258.0.html

XCF 2.9:

- New UFO: Saboteur (map by Wolverin, sprite enhanced by Brain_322).
- New missions: Zombie Isolation, Abyssal Artifact Delivery.
- New Alien Retaliation variants.
- New event: A Perplexing Graffiti.
- New facility: Huge Storage Facility (map and sprite by Brain_322).
- New Dossier: Mackenzie Calhoun (by Mknzy Calhoun).
- New items: Syndicate Weapon Box (sprite by Brain_322), Abyssal Urn.
- New lore articles.
- 6 new Port maps.
- New Ufopaedia section: Mechanical Units.
- Moved unarmed attacks to the Outfits section.
- Moved alien weapons to the Weapons and Equipment section.
- Toned down the selling bonus on low difficulties.
- Bases should be built right where the source UFO landed.
- Added more enemies to Cydonia.
- Added a pickaxe to The Sound of Graves map.
- Decreased Sanity drain in the Vampire Castle.
- Better Avatar Morph Ufopaedia picture.
- Improved Machete and Canister Gun bigobs (by Juku).
- Added missing avatar names.
- Changed the hyperwave decoder text to fit all the relevant situations.
- UFO Navigation can be recovered from captured bases.
- More rewards from Syndicate Warehouse and Lab.
- Human Sacrifices are now held in prison for clarity.
- Blaster Multi-Bomb Pack nerfed.
- Thanatonautian Manus costs 2 Sanity per use.
- Drone Rocket Launcher shoots slightly faster.
- Outrunner can be repaired.
- Blood Boosting is much faster.
- Anti-E115 Weapons now also require Bio Lab.
- Sectoid Commander's psi vision increased.
- Some paperdoll improvements (by Talpiot).
- Better Stormtrooper corpse sprites (by Talpiot).
- Proper Giant Spider Autopsy and Mongorn Autopsy pics (by Flaubert).
- Port with Pier terrain available for more missions.
- EXALT Liquidation and Syndicate Assassination missions have random maps (equipment pile moved by necessity).
- Simplified some mapscripts.
- Overhauled corpse/autopsy unlocking system.
- Unified Assault Suit bottom armor values.
- Astral Form gives +10 Strength.
- Fixed Chemthrower (no longer completely bypasses armor).
- Optronic Parts are components, not evidence.
- Removed the "Mysterious Parcel from Syndicate" event (for now).
- Fixed some commendations.
- Fixed missing Wrecked Syndicate Walker Examination article.
- Fixed Port terrain script.
- Fixed the Osiron Hacienda pool.
- Fixes Black Lotus/Syndicate HQ corners.
- Fixed Tritanium Cannon, Avionics and Zrbite Drive dependencies.
- Fixed incorrect point values for some events.
- Fixed Flying Drone and Outrunner variants incorrectly disallowed in some missions.
- Fixed Flying Suit manufacturing time.
- Fixed the MiB Lunar Base Landing mission deployment (thanks to Juku).
- Fixed Reclamation of Aether unlocking.
- Fixed X-Com Position Marker causing morale loss and giving Betrayer.
- Fixed hair colors.
- Minor fixes.