Detective Case and Clown Bot in: Murder in the Hotel Lisbon

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Revisión del 20:18 15 abr 2015 de Cireja (discusión | contribs.) (Texto reemplazado: «Archivo:GB.png» por «Archivo:UK.png»)
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Detective Case and Clown Bot in - Murder in the Hotel Lisbon - Portada.jpg
Mundial 5 Dic 2013
Inglés Portugués
Inglés Portugués
9,99 €
3ª persona
Linux Mac Windows



Icono Nombre Descripción
Detective Case and Clown Bot in - Murder in the Hotel Lisbon - Detective Case.png Detective Case The mythical Detective Case, also known as the world worst detective, a man so rough and rude that his witnesses would rather be run over by a slow moving freight train than to be questioned by him.
Detective Case and Clown Bot in - Murder in the Hotel Lisbon - Clown Bot.png Clown Bot The hilarious Clown Bot who, although he works as a Detective Case’s sidekick, he hopes in reality that one day he will get a job as a circus clown. Unfortunately, and no matter how many applications he sends, no circus will ever accept a clown that is afraid of children.
Detective Case and Clown Bot in - Murder in the Hotel Lisbon - Garcia.png Garcia Policeman Garcia works at the local Police Station. A rough but kind and gentle man. He hired Detective Case to help him solve the case of the murder in the Hotel Lisbon. Him and Case know each other since the days of police academy.
Detective Case and Clown Bot in - Murder in the Hotel Lisbon - Sebastian Love.png Stephanie Love Daughter of a Brazillian mother and a Portuguese father, Stephanie Love is a very voluptuous and sexy woman. She is also the wife of Sebastian Love, the man that commited suicide in a room of the Hotel Lisbon.
Detective Case and Clown Bot in - Murder in the Hotel Lisbon - Manel.png Manel Manel is the manager of GAF Bar. He was the last one to see Mr. Love alive. If you can call that a life, that is.
Detective Case and Clown Bot in - Murder in the Hotel Lisbon - Serafim.png Serafim The manager of the Lisbon Hotel where the murder happened is called Serafim. His wig has no known name.
Detective Case and Clown Bot in - Murder in the Hotel Lisbon - Vila-Lobos.png Vila-Lobos Vila-Lobos is the manager of the Noitadas Restaurant. They say his grilled sword fish is "yummers". What?
Detective Case and Clown Bot in - Murder in the Hotel Lisbon - Tony.png Tony Tony the Shoeshiner is the local... shoe shiner! He says he has seen it but he won’t tell, until he sees green.
Detective Case and Clown Bot in - Murder in the Hotel Lisbon - Maria Estrela.png Maria Estrela On mondays Maria Estrela gives you a discount of 40%. What exactly is this discount about nobody knows...
Detective Case and Clown Bot in - Murder in the Hotel Lisbon - Stuart.png Stuart Stuart owns the Press Play Arcade. Any resemblance with our producer is pure coincidence.





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