Bookish Hunt-Down Event

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Bookish Hunt - Down Event - 00.png
(Última act.: 2008)
3ª persona


The story of the Bookish Hunt Down Event is surely one of the least breathtaking and surely one of the most boring stories for someone to hear about.

However this event, lead to the destruction of all books for a not so serious reason for many people, but totally serious for a few, who actually are important, or are considered as so. Concerning books, people always loved to read them. This was never the problem, unless you were blind and nobody would bother reading a book for you. The problem about books was writing them. Most people that bothered writing were quite good at it, at least all those who are not totally unheard of.

Some however had troubles obeying all the known rules about writing books. Some laws to their opinion were bizarre and difficult to get along with. They tried to talk about that fact, but no one bothered to listen. They claimed that even if you wanted, you couldn't but use something non-original and non-creative. A certain group of individuals felt a little pissed and depressed by that. They felt like their fantasy, inspiration and all those things you can't easily describe, being violated. And they felt pissed and depressed about that too. Writing the prologue of a book was a thing you were obliged to do based almost entirely on a book, full of rules about books.

So you couldn't even squeeze in a little bit of what you wanted without editors noticing it. Same for the epilogue of the book. This created a cult that decided to provoke chaos, anarchy and the like. They decided to exterminate each and everyone of the books. In any form. This action/event is defined as the Bookish Hunt Down Event.It occurred on Mars. So with all the books burned down, knowledge was being altered or lost as the years passed. Nowadays no one knows anything about anything at all. In the year 218 ABHE or 2348 AD a problem in the main computer occurred. No one knew what to do. Because no one knew a shit about anything. Surprisingly enough humanity survived for a couple of centuries. So the story begins...





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