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Revisión del 17:47 28 ago 2017

Ficha del juego
Leisure Suit Larry - Love for Sail - Portada.jpg
Mundial 31 Oct 1996
España 19 Marzo 1997
Español Inglés Alemán Francés Italiano Ruso Polaco
Inglés Alemán Francés Ruso Polaco
4.975 ptas
3ª persona
Ratón Teclado Text parser
DOS Mac Windows Windows 3.x


El argumento gira en torno al intento de Larry en ganar el concurso semanal llevado a cabo en el barco por el capitán Thygh, una rubia espléndida. El concurso involucra una serie de otros juegos variando de competencias de deporte legítimas tales como bowling, a cosas más sucias como una máquina creada para probar las proezas sexuales de uno. A cada pasajero le es entregado una tarjeta con la selección de las diferentes competencias en las que participará, y el pasajero como el mayor marcador acumulado al final de la semana gana. El premio es una semana adicional con los gastos pagados compartiendo la cabina del capitán (y presumiblemente también la cama).


Larry Laffer Larry Laffer Annette Boning Leisure Suit Larry - Love for Sail - View31409-0.png Leisure Suit Larry - Love for Sail - View12505-2.png Leisure Suit Larry - Love for Sail - View12525-0.png Peggy Peter Leisure Suit Larry - Love for Sail - View24400-0.png

Icono Nombre Descripción
Leisure Suit Larry - Love for Sail - Larry Laffer7.png Larry Laffer Poor Larry, just when he thought he was going to have the best night of his life with Shamara in La Costa Lotta (see the ending of Leisure Suit Larry 6), Shamara turns out to only be after his money. After his wild adventure in the hotel, Larry decides to go on a cruise. Luckily for him, the ship is filled with gorgeous babes. Will he find his dream woman this time?
Leisure Suit Larry - Love for Sail - Peter.png Peter el Sobrecargo "Oh no! Mr tough guy! Please don't spank me! Eh... no, it's ok, you can spank me". Yep, he sure is a strange one. Not very cooperative though, especially when Larry tries to get his passport back from the purser's desk.
Leisure Suit Larry - Love for Sail - Victorian Principles.png Victorian Principles The P.M.S. Bouncy's librarian. Too bad she's reading all that boring literature, cause the woman has real potential to be smoking hot, if only she wanted to. Maybe Larry can trick her into reading a real spicy book. That oughta stimulate her! Heck, she could even become a sexpert and help Larry out with the LoveMaster2000 competition!
Leisure Suit Larry - Love for Sail - Rod.png Rod Rod, the handsome sailor who entertains the many children on the P.M.S. Bouncy. Unfortunately for him, there are no children on board, because the game is too dirty. No problem, he'll just make balloon animals for Larry then. Hey, wait a minute, isn't this guy...? Yep, Leisure Suit Larry wouldn't be Leisure Suit Larry without a cameo of Ken Williams.
Leisure Suit Larry - Love for Sail - Peggy.png Peggy The foul-mouthed peg-legged piratish handywoman. Losing her leg in a freakish accident turned out into becoming a handy feature as she can attach a whole range of tools on her peg leg, ranging from fishing rods to mops and toilet cleaners. She knows the crew and ship inside out, since she hasn't been off the ship in more than 20 years.
Leisure Suit Larry - Love for Sail - Drew Baringmore.png Drew Baringmore Author of the book "Fokker: More than just an airplane", Drew spends all her time sunbathing at the clothing-optional pool, nibling on the frozen banana of her Gigantic Erection, and being dressed with nothing but her laptop. Unfortunately she won't leave the place until she recovers her luggage. Wouldn't you just love to "push" that pesky branch?
Leisure Suit Larry - Love for Sail - The Juggs.png The Juggs They may look like sisters, but momma had her daughter on her first ovulation. Momma is called "Nailmi" and daughter is called "Wydoncha", and they're famous country singers. Now they're blowing off some steam on the P.M.S. Bouncy after a show of theirs got out of control. They're big, aren't they, those erm...hairstyles. Lots of deodorant spray, baby!
Leisure Suit Larry - Love for Sail - Johnson.png Johnson Johnson is the mixolog... the mixel... the mixol... the bartender on the P.M.S. Bouncy, and guardian of the Juggs' room. No problem, nothing a Gigantic Erection can't solve. He doesn't serve lime juice though, cause it ain't on the menu. He does however serve a Lime Ricky, without gin, without soda water, without sugar and without the friggin' ice.
Leisure Suit Larry - Love for Sail - Wang.png Wang "Jeeesus, Merry and Jowseph in a tiny cannuu! Are ya deef? It's s'pork!" Wang works in the dining area, serving S'Pork, the processed potted meatfood product that tastes as fresh as home-slaughtered. Wang is Chinese but his parents were buddhist missionaries, so he grew up in Ireland. The poor fellow just can't hide his accent.
Leisure Suit Larry - Love for Sail - Dewmi Moore.png Dewmi Moore Dewmi likes to hang out at the Pair 'O Dice Casino, looking for lucky winners. She then invites him to her room for a game of Strip Liar's Dice. Unfortunately for her, Larry has a motherload of gambling experience. Unfortunately for Larry, Dewmi is prepared in the event she loses.
Leisure Suit Larry - Love for Sail - Annette Boning.png Annette Boning "Are you Boning"? "I was until this damn phone rang!" Annette is the wife of the majority shareholder of Bone Coach Transportation, the number 1 crude oil shipper in the world, waiting for the old geezer to die, so she can inherit his fortune. Unfortunately the man is pretty tough. So, when she asks Larry if he wants to do "the dirty deed", Larry of course can't refuse.
Leisure Suit Larry - Love for Sail - Xqwzts.png Xqwzts Xqwzts (pronounced "Exquisites" in case you didn't notice) is the cabin boy on the P.M.S. Bouncy, not that he actually does anything for the passengers. Instead he takes dirty pictures and sells them. Not very legal, but neither is he. He does however have a key to access all the areas on the ship.
Leisure Suit Larry - Love for Sail - Jamie Lee Coitus.png Jamie Lee Coitus "Je suis Jamie Lee, the famous Haute Couture fashion designer, and I certainly don't want anybody to see moi near anybody dressed like vous!" Jamie Lee has rented Captain Queeg's Ballroom to work on her fashion designs. Unfortunately she is out of inspiration. There is of course only 1 kind of clothing that Larry likes.
Leisure Suit Larry - Love for Sail - Capitan Thygh.png Capitán Thygh The prize of the contest: one week cruising on the captain! Thygh is a bit filled with "ennui" when she finds out who Larry is though. If only she could get back to her previous carreer: super tanker captain! Afterall, it wasn't her fault her ship ran aground when that man was in her cabin rather than on the bridge.

Larry Laffer Larry Laffer Larry Laffer Larry Laffer Peggy The Juggs Rod

Huevos de Pascua

  • Cuando Drew está en la piscina con su portátil, si cliqueáis en la rama, seleccionáis otro y escribid "empujar", la rama se moverá y veréis sus...
  • Una vez Victoria se haya transformado en Vicki, en el ordenador aparecerá una escena del Larry 6, pulsa la tecla Ctrl y dale con el ratón al hombre de la izquierda, luego habla con ella sobre el clima.
  • En la biblioteca hay un castor disecado. Clica con el ratón en la opción "otro" y teclea "sobar", la próxima vez que vayas a la habitación de las gemelas (al lado del bar) las verás tal cual vinieron al mundo.
  • Tan pronto entres en la sala de baile, cliquea en Larry y en la opción "otra" pon "soñar" y verás lo que Larry sueña sobre Jamie Lee.
  • Después del espectáculo de las Juggs, ir a la izquierda del escenario y "tocar" en la tabla de mezclas. Luego hablar con Drew de "Fokker".
  • Cuando estás jugando a los dados con Dewmi, pulsa las tecla Ctrl + C para ver sus dados y algo más.
  • Usa la bebida "orgasmic powder" (esperma) en la bebida "gigantic erection" de Drew, luego intenta beberla; verás como Drew se levanta y camina desnuda hacia tu habitación.
  • Antes de darle la póliza de seguros a Annete, clicar en bulto de plástico de la tercera estatua del lado izquierdo del pasillo y escribid "desabrochar", cuando llaméis a su puerta para darle la póliza veréis lo que está haciendo con el dinero que acaba de heredar...
  • Cuando al final os hayáis ligado a la capitana, haced click derecho y en otro poner "AL LOWE" o "KEN WILLIAMS", veréis un final feliz.


  • Los cuatro hombres que piden un Martini en el casino, representan a los actores que han interpretado a James Bond en las películas de 007 (excepto Lazenby): Roger Moore, Sean Connery, Timothy Dalton y Pierce Brosnan.
  • Pon una imagen tuya (mejor de tu cara solo), en formato BMP de 256 colores en el directorio del juego con el nombre 1.BMP, luego llama al camarote de la capitana y verás que sucede...
  • ¿Quieres poner tu voz en uno de los personajes del juego? Abre el fichero BEASTAR.DOC que se encuentra dentro del directorio del juego y sigue las instrucciones.
  • Pon la imagen de tu escritorio de LARRY7.BMP que se encuentra en el directorio del juego. A medida que vayas avanzando el juego el fondo de tu escritorio irá cambiando.
  • Junto con el juego original venía un cartón llamado "Cyber Sniff 2000" el cual constaba de 9 recuadros de colores que al rascar cada uno desprendía un olor. Dentro del juego, según entras en cada habitación te indica qué recuadro rascar para saber qué olor hace esa habitación:
  • Todas las chicas que aparecen en el juego tienen nombres basados en actrices o cantantes famosas.



En el foro dispones de versiones preinstaladas donde sólo tendrás que descomprimir y ejecutar con PLAY:


mount c D:\DosGames
imgmount d "...ruta...\Larry7.iso" -t iso
Entrar en D: e instalar con Install.
Ejecutar con LSL7DOS.BAT.
No usar la actualización 1.2 con la versión española, o tendréis problemas durante el juego y se quedará pillado avanzada la partida.--cireja 01:07 15 oct 2015





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