The Last Express

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The Last Express - Portada.jpg
USA 31 Mar 1997
España 13 Ago 1997
CD x3
1ª persona
DOS iOS Mac Windows


Estación de trenes de Paris, 24 de Julio de 1914. El Orient Express esta pronto a partir. Una persona se asoma desde uno de los accesos al tren justo en el instante en que suena el silbido de salida del expreso; mira a los alrededores, parece esperar a alguien con demasiada preocupación. El Orient Express parte.

Sobre una moto, dos personas se acercan peligrosamente al tren en marcha, la que va de equipaje salta al expreso, y despidiéndose de su acompañante entra en el interior. Nada más acceder, pregunta por el camarote del señor Tyler Whitney, (la persona que le esperaba en la estación), confundiéndole por este, el revisor le da el número del mismo. Cath (Así se llama el protagonista de esta historia) entra al camarote de su colega, encontrándole tendido en un charco de sangre, sin vida. Con sangre fría se deshace del cadáver de su amigo, y cambiándose de chaqueta, pasa de ser Robert Cath para convertirse en Tyler Whitney. Entrando así, en un juego de conspiraciones y tramas entrelazadas para averiguar quién de los pasajeros del Orient Express ha cometido el homicidio.


Icono Nombre Descripción
The Last Express - Robert Cath.jpg Robert Cath The hero of The Last Express, Robert is a young doctor on the run from the law. Smart and capable, he keeps a cool demeanor in face of the numerous heists and plots he'll need to untangle. He's also the sole American on board the train.
The Last Express - August Schmidt.jpg August Schmidt A weaselly German arms dealer. He was scheduled to meet with Tyler before his untimely death, an appointment Robert attempts to keep by assuming Tyler's identity.
The Last Express - Tatiana Obolenskya.jpg Tatiana Obolenskya This young Russian student is traveling with her sickly grandfather Vassili, a wealthy aristocrat and staunch supporter of the monarchy.
The Last Express - Alexei Dolnikov.jpg Alexei Dolnikov Alexei is a childhood friend of Tatiania's who dreams of freedom from their country's oppression.
The Last Express - George Abbot.jpg George Abbot Mr. Abbot is a British businessman, eminently likable in spite of his sticking his nose in a bit deeper than anyone really finds comfortable.
The Last Express - Anna Wolff.jpg Anna Wolff Anna is a famous (and beautiful) Austrian violin player, who is accompanied everywhere by her dog Max. Herself and Robert hit it off quite well. She also has a suspicious interest in August Schmidt, a balding mongrel way below her standards.
The Last Express - Milos Jovanovic.jpg Milos Jovanovic A friend of Tyler's who initially mistakes Cath for a foe. He is a staunch supporter of Serbo-Croatian unity and is accompanied by three subordinates.
The Last Express - Prince Kronos.jpg Prince Kronos And at the end of the train is an overtly luxurious private belonging to Kronos, a mysterious African prince who also has some dealings with Whitney. While his demeanor is friendly, his stoic bodyguard Kahina - and the knives she carries - makes it evident that he is not a man to be trifled with.




  • Datafiles:
  • HD.HPF
  • CD1.HPF
  • CD2.HPF
  • CD3.HPF


The Last Express - Logo.png


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