King's Quest VI: Heir Today, Gone Tomorrow

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King's Quest VI - Heir Today, Gone Tomorrow - Portada.jpg
King's Quest 6
España 1992
Español Inglés Alemán Francés Italiano
Disquete 3.5" x10
3ª persona
Amiga Apple IIgs DOS Mac NES Windows 3.x


Han pasado varios meses desde que el Rey Graham rescatara a su familia del brujo Mordack. Alexander no puede olvidar a la bella princesa Cassima, también esclavizada por el brujo, y que fue enviada a su hogar en la Tierra de las Islas Verdes. Desea fervientemente volver a verla, aunque no sabe dónde encontrarla, y a pesar de los consejos de su madre, se consume en melancolía. Así, hasta que un día el espejo mágico le muestra una imagen de Cassima, en la que la oye decir que se siente sola y que le gustaría que Alexander estuviera allí. Por la posición de las estrellas que ve en el espejo, Alexander puede por fin navegar hasta allí, y se embarca en el viaje. Pero cuando se aproxima a una isla, las corrientes estrellan el barco contra la costa, que se hunde.

Alexander no tarda en descubrir que está por fin en la Tierra de las Islas Verdes, y va a visitar a Cassima, pero descubre que los padres de Cassima murieron durante la ausencia de esta, y que según los deseos de estos y el propio deseo de la princesa, Cassima va a casarse con el visir Abdul Alhazred, de cuyos labios oye toda la historia. No satisfecho, y con la entrada vetada al castillo por el capitán de la guardia, Saladin, Alexander comienza a explorar la Tierra de las Islas Verdes, que se encuentra inmersa en una misteriosa rencilla entre todas las islas por el robo de diversos objetos de los cuales las islas se acusan entre sí. Existen cuatro islas, la Isla de la Corona, donde está el castillo real, la Isla de las Maravillas, la Isla de la Bestia y la Isla de la Montaña Sagrada. La leyenda habla de una quinta isla, la Isla de la Niebla, que poca gente ha visto, así como de la Isla de la Muerte, pues la Tierra de las Islas Verdes está muy cerca de la frontera entre el mundo de los vivos y el mundo de los muertos.

Alexander deberá, con la ayuda de un mapa mágico, viajar entre las islas, intentando devolver la paz a las mismas, y llegar de alguna forma hasta Cassima para que ella por sus propios labios, le confirme que no desea saber nada de él y que quiere casarse con el visir para reinar junto a él. En el camino, descubrirá una sórdida trama con una amplitud mucho mayor de lo que Alexander imaginaba.


  • La versión CD contiene diálogos doblados pero no está traducida al castellano. Hay que elegir entre textos o voces, no se pueden poner ambos. Esto se puede solucionar con el emulador ScummVM, donde sí podremos jugar con los textos más las voces.


Alexander Visir King's Quest VI - Heir Today, Gone Tomorrow - View243-4.png King's Quest VI - Heir Today, Gone Tomorrow - View252-4.png King's Quest VI - Heir Today, Gone Tomorrow - View274-0.png King's Quest VI - Heir Today, Gone Tomorrow - View276-2.png King's Quest VI - Heir Today, Gone Tomorrow - View282-7.png King's Quest VI - Heir Today, Gone Tomorrow - View289-4.png King's Quest VI - Heir Today, Gone Tomorrow - View294-2.png King's Quest VI - Heir Today, Gone Tomorrow - View334-5.png King's Quest VI - Heir Today, Gone Tomorrow - View343-4.png King's Quest VI - Heir Today, Gone Tomorrow - View344-4.png King's Quest VI - Heir Today, Gone Tomorrow - View364-2.png Minotauro King's Quest VI - Heir Today, Gone Tomorrow - View455-0.png King's Quest VI - Heir Today, Gone Tomorrow - View456-0.png King's Quest VI - Heir Today, Gone Tomorrow - View457-0.png King's Quest VI - Heir Today, Gone Tomorrow - View458-0.png King's Quest VI - Heir Today, Gone Tomorrow - View463-3.png King's Quest VI - Heir Today, Gone Tomorrow - View514-4.png King's Quest VI - Heir Today, Gone Tomorrow - View542-4.png King's Quest VI - Heir Today, Gone Tomorrow - View546-4.png King's Quest VI - Heir Today, Gone Tomorrow - View547-4.png King's Quest VI - Heir Today, Gone Tomorrow - View553-4.png King's Quest VI - Heir Today, Gone Tomorrow - View587-0.png King's Quest VI - Heir Today, Gone Tomorrow - View600-0.png King's Quest VI - Heir Today, Gone Tomorrow - View601-0.png King's Quest VI - Heir Today, Gone Tomorrow - View602-0.png King's Quest VI - Heir Today, Gone Tomorrow - View603-0.png King's Quest VI - Heir Today, Gone Tomorrow - View604-0.png King's Quest VI - Heir Today, Gone Tomorrow - View643-1.png King's Quest VI - Heir Today, Gone Tomorrow - View644-0.png King's Quest VI - Heir Today, Gone Tomorrow - View683-3.png King's Quest VI - Heir Today, Gone Tomorrow - View687-0.png King's Quest VI - Heir Today, Gone Tomorrow - View702-8.png King's Quest VI - Heir Today, Gone Tomorrow - View717-4.png King's Quest VI - Heir Today, Gone Tomorrow - View724-4.png King's Quest VI - Heir Today, Gone Tomorrow - View725-4.png King's Quest VI - Heir Today, Gone Tomorrow - View726-4.png King's Quest VI - Heir Today, Gone Tomorrow - View727-4.png King's Quest VI - Heir Today, Gone Tomorrow - View741-1.png King's Quest VI - Heir Today, Gone Tomorrow - View784-4.png King's Quest VI - Heir Today, Gone Tomorrow - View4561-0.png King's Quest VI - Heir Today, Gone Tomorrow - View7361-4.png

Alexander: Alexander, son of king Graham of Daventry, who met princess Cassima in Mordack's Castle at the end of King Quest 5, is madly in love with Cassima. When he finds her homeland, the Land of the Green Isles, it turns out that princess Cassima's parents have died during her abscense, and that she is going to marry the vizier, who assumed power. Alexander, who is asked to leave the island, does not trust the vizier, and investigates the true circumstances in order to free Cassima and the Land of the Green Isles. Princess Cassima: Locked up in a towerroom, Cassima mourns her parents' death and hopes Alexander, whom she met in Mordack's castle (KQ5), will come and rescue her from the vizier. But she is also very protective of Alexander and does not want him to risk his life for her. At the end of the game, she will distract the vizier, allowing Alexander to knock him out. And of course they will get married and live happily ever after. Vizier Abdul Alhazred: The vizier is a member of the Order of the Black Cloak, of which Manannan (KQ3) and Mordack (KQ5) were also a member of. He murdered Cassima's parents while she worked as a slave for Mordack. He also destroyed any means of transportation between the islands, and stole each island's most valuable treasure to create distrust between the different island populations. Upon Cassima's unexpected return to the Land of the Green Isles, Abdul conjured a plan to marry her in order to gain total power, locking up Cassima in a tower while using his genie to assist in the wedding. Genie Shamir Shamazle: The genie, Abdul's most powerful weapon, is by himself not a bad person. Being owned by the vizier, he has no choice but to obey him. He is, aside from Alexander who posesses a magic map, the only character that can travel all over the islands. He has magical powers, allowing him to transform into anything he wants, and uses this power on many occasions. Either he tries to lure Alexander into death, or changes into a small animal to spy upon Alexander. Only his golden eyes betray his true identity. The vizier will also use the genie on the wedding as a double for Cassima. The genie has one main weakness: he loves peppermint, and goes crazy when he eats it. Jollo: Jollo is the Jester at the palace. He is very close to Cassima and a strong ally for Alexander within the castle. Jollo is greatly troubled by Cassima's pain and would do anything to help her. He provides Alexander with all kinds of usefull information and will also help him to gain control over the genie (in the long version of KQ6). Beauty: With her father deceased and her stepmother treating her like a slave, the only consolidation the young maid in rags has, is the rose garden. Beauty loves roses, and when Alexander brings her a beautiful white rose from the Isle of the Beast, she will gladly leave the house and serve the Beast.
The beast: Tormented by a curse, the Beast isolated himself on his island, keeping out unwanted visitors with traps. Alexander is of course too curious and manages to reach his castle, leading to Alexander being cursed too. Unless, he can find a woman who would want to spend her life with the hideous beast. But time is short. Ali, the bookstore owner: Ali will provide Alexander with some useful information about the islands. He will also provide the boring book, the love poem and, eventually, the magic book on the condition that Alexander can give him an equally rare book. The Druid: The druids live on the Isle of the Mists. They highly distrust others because their miniature tree, their most sacred item, has been stolen. The only way for Alexander not to get roasted on their sacrificial fire, is the use of the make-rain spell. Once he has gained their trust, the druid gives valuable information on how to enter the Realm of the Dead. King Caliphim Queen Allaria: Cassima's parents have been stabbed to death in their sleep by the vizier, and their souls are restless in the Realm of the Dead. When they learn of Alexander's quest to rescue Cassima and bring them back to the land of the living, Allaria gives Alexander her ticket to go through the portal of the Realm of the Dead. King's Quest VI - Heir Today, Gone Tomorrow - View8902-0.png
Princess Cassima: Locked up in a towerroom, Cassima mourns her parents' death and hopes Alexander, whom she met in Mordack's castle (KQ5), will come and rescue her from the vizier. But she is also very protective of Alexander and does not want him to risk his life for her. At the end of the game, she will distract the vizier, allowing Alexander to knock him out. And of course they will get married and live happily ever after. The sensory gnomes: Guardians of the Isle of Wonder. Every human must die, unless that human can of course trick the gnomes into believing he's not human at all. Each gnome is specialized in a sense: smelling, hearing, tasting, feeling and seeing. Alexander will have to deceive them all if he wants to explore the Isle of Wonder. King's Quest VI - Heir Today, Gone Tomorrow - View8931-0.png King's Quest VI - Heir Today, Gone Tomorrow - View8932-0.png King's Quest VI - Heir Today, Gone Tomorrow - View8933-0.png King's Quest VI - Heir Today, Gone Tomorrow - View8934-0.png
King's Quest VI - Heir Today, Gone Tomorrow - View8935-0.png The book worm: Do you have a purple fiddle whacker? A dangling participle? No? As an exception, you always should! Yep, before this bookworm gives you a rare book of his, you're going to have to come up with some very strange item. Lady Celeste: The daughter of the king and queen of the Winged Ones is about to be sacrificed to the Minotaur in the catacombs. Alexander's only way to save his own life, is to save hers, which he of course does. Inre turn, he receives her dagger and is granted a visit to the Oracle. Guard of the Winged Ones: "How did you solve the Cliffs of Logic?" It does not matter. Alexander must face the king of the Winged Ones, and he is not in a very good mood to have his land entered by a pityful human. Their feeling of superiority will soon come to an end though, as Aleksander will prove himself in a task which they consider impossible to achieve. Beauty: ...and who would be more willing to take care of the Beast than Beauty? He does have this beautiful rose garden afterall. The curse is broken and the Beast turns back into a nobleman. Beauty gets a workover aswell. And Alexander, well... he gets the Beast's mirror and Beauty's old rags. King's Quest VI - Heir Today, Gone Tomorrow - View8961-0.png
Pawn shop owner: The pawn shop owner, who's name is not given in the game, will help Alexander in many ways with various items, including the magic map that allows Alexander to travel all over the different islands. Of course, as a tradesman, the shopkeeper will always want something in return of equal value. The ferry man: The ferry man, hearing that Ali told Alexander about him, allows Alexander in his home. His ship, the last one in the land of the Green Isles is stranded and no longer seaworthy. This is of course the work of the vizier's devious plan, so the people of different islands would not be able to communicate with eachother. The ferry man provides more information on the different islands, and refers to a magic map in the possession of the pawnshop owner. He also provides the rabbit foot, hoping it will bring more luck to Alexander than it did to him. The peddler: "Old lamps for new!" The peddler swaps lamps, hoping that one day he may find one with a genie in it. Alexander will swap his old hunter's lamp with a lamp which is an exact replica of the genie's lamp, allowing Jollo to obtain the real genie's lamp unnoticed. King's Quest VI - Heir Today, Gone Tomorrow - View8981-0.png King's Quest VI - Heir Today, Gone Tomorrow - View8982-0.png King's Quest VI - Heir Today, Gone Tomorrow - View8983-0.png

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Huevos de Pascua

  • En la primera pantalla de la isla de la Montaña Sagrada, avanza tres pasos y pincha en el suelo tres veces.



En el foro dispones de versiones preinstaladas donde sólo tendrás que descomprimir y ejecutar:

  • Basada en ScummVM y la versión CD 1.000.00G con voces en inglés y textos con traducción.
  • Basada en DOSBox y la versión disquetes v1.000.000.
  • Basada en DOSBox y la versión CD 1.000.00G en inglés.


  • Ejecutar con KQ6.BAT.
Todas las protecciones aparecen cuando intentas subir la montaña sagrada.--cireja 21:40 18 sep 2014


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