Gabriel Knight 3: Testamento del Diablo

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Gabriel Knight 3 - Testamento del Diablo - Portada.jpg
Gabriel Knight 3: Blood of the Sacred
Blood of the Damned
Gabriel Knight 3: El Testamento del Diablo
España 30 Oct 1999
Español Inglés Alemán Francés Italiano Ruso Portugués
Inglés Alemán Francés Italiano
CD x3
3ª persona
Ratón Teclado


La tercera entrega de la saga de Gabriel Knight nos lleva de visita a Rennes-le-Chateau, en la región francesa de Languedoc, donde Gabriel y Grace investigarán el secuestro del hijo de un noble escocés. Pero al ir tirando del hilo saldrán a la luz los temas clásicos: los templarios, el santo grial, sociedades secretas, vampiros y diablos. Un cóctel explosivo perfectamente dosificado y claramente para un público "adulto" en lo que a edad mental se refiere. La célebre guionista Jane Jensen da el do de pecho en esta historia que profundiza en las relaciones entre los protagonistas y ofrece una galería de secundarios dignos de una buena película.

La aventura se desarrolla de manera realista, es decir, hay que investigar, hablar con las personas y usar el cerebro de una manera lógica. Esto hace que al principio parezca que no pasa nada. Pero no os impacientéis, pronto la historia se pone al rojo vivo y os enganchará sin remedio. Otro elemento genial de esta aventura es que no es totalmente lineal y cuanto mejor investigues más cosas sabrás de la trama, lo cual le da un toque realista perfecto.


Icono Nombre
Gabriel Knight 3 - Testamento del Diablo - Gabriel Knight.png Gabriel Knight The hero returns. Once again voiced by Tim Curry.
Gabriel Knight 3 - Testamento del Diablo - Grace Nakimura.png Grace Nakimura Grace once again aids her "friend", and continues to explore her conflicted feelings for Gabriel. Played by Charity James.
Gabriel Knight 3 - Testamento del Diablo - Detective Franklin Mosely.png Detective Franklin Mosely El detective.

Mosely just coincidentally shows up in France. He acts strangely, but of course, he's willing to help. Apparently he's also developed a bit of a crush on Grace. Played by David Allen Thomas Jr.

Gabriel Knight 3 - Testamento del Diablo - Madeline Buthane.png Madeline Buthane A native to France and leader of the tour group. Naturally, Gabriel finds himself immediately attracted to her. Played by Jennifer Hale.
Gabriel Knight 3 - Testamento del Diablo - Padre Arnaud.png Padre Arnaud El Cura Local.

There is little we know about this guy, who was previously referred to as the "Roger Ebert Guy". He appears to be the local priest who seems to be in some kind of trouble with the mafiosoguys.

Gabriel Knight 3 - Testamento del Diablo - Emilio Baza.png Emilio Baza El observador.

One of the tour group members, Emilio is often quiet and keeps to himself. During Habriel's investigations, he learns that Emilio has no fingerprints, which is pretty odd. Played by Billy West.

Gabriel Knight 3 - Testamento del Diablo - Excelsior Montreaux.png Excelsior Montreaux The owner of the local winery seems like a nice guy, except for his creepy house. Played by John de Lancie.
Gabriel Knight 3 - Testamento del Diablo - Jean.png Jean Jean is the Maître d'hôtel in Rennes-Le-Château. He is always eager to help guests with any problem they may have while staying at the hotel. He is one of the first people Gabriel meets in in Rennes-Le-Château, and may be able to provide Gabriel with the basic information needed to find his way around the mysterious village.
Gabriel Knight 3 - Testamento del Diablo - John Wilkes.png John Wilkes El buscador del tesoro.

Wilkes is an Australian of the exceedingly macho variety. In his late 40's, Wilkes has been all around the world -- at least the desolate parts of it. He's a real treasure hunter, that's quite obvious (although he won't talk about it unless exceedingly drunk or well-seduced). Wilkes believes he has the secret of the treasure of Rennes-le-Chateau. He believes the secret will make him incredibly wealthy. But he ought to be careful to whom -- and how loudly -- he brags about it.

Gabriel Knight 3 - Testamento del Diablo - Vittorio Buchelli.png Vittorio Buchelli El historiador.

Vittorio Buchelli is a soft-spoken Italian who keeps to himself. Although he seems curious about the history of Rennes-le-Chateau, he's certainly not interested in making friends with anyone else on the tour group. Guarded and disdainful are the two words that come most readily to mind when considering his attitude.

Most suspiciously, he's the last of the tour group to arrive and he claims to have come in on a train that never existed.

Gabriel Knight 3 - Testamento del Diablo - Lady Howard.png Lady Howard La gran dama.

Lady Howard is a middle-aged thespian with a dramatic personal style. She and her companion, Estelle, are clearly on a mission, and Lady Howard is not the sort to tolerate anyone standing in her way. They're an odd two-some, with a feminist-sounding theory involving things like the "Arc of Nut" and the "Womb of Isis". You would have to be on the pair's own personal planet to make heads or tails of it. But what is clear is that their mission is anything but a lark. Indeed, a sheen of desperation underlies Lady Howard's elaborate make-up job like so much skin cream. Yes. You definitely get the message that not only do they believe they'll find what they seek, but that they must.

Gabriel Knight 3 - Testamento del Diablo - Estelle Stiles.png Estelle Stiles La ayudante.

Estelle is an athletic middle-aged woman with a mannish demeanor - attractive in an earthy, no-nonsense way. She's dedicated to Lady Howard and claims to have been with her for twenty years. It appears to be a match made in heaven - at least as far as Lady Howard is concerned. Estelle not only handles the annoying little tasks of everyday life like lifting suitcases and paying bills, but she is also unflaggingly loyal and adoring, even when Lady Howard's being a prig, which is often - Estelle claims because Lady Howard's under a 'lot of pressure.'

Gabriel Knight 3 - Testamento del Diablo - Taxista.png Taxista The local taxi driver was one of the first people Gabriel met in Rennes-le-Chateau. If only he could remember it . . . something about a car, garlic, and a dog named Fifi. This man was at the train station that fateful night. What did he see? Gabriel might be able to find out, if he can speak the right language -- and we don't mean French!
Gabriel Knight 3 - Testamento del Diablo - Prince James Stewart of Albany.png Príncipe James Stewart de Albany Current scion of the House of Stewart and deposed king of Scotland? Well, his entourage thinks so, as does Prince James himself. Indeed, Gabriel will learn that his ambitions reach far beyond than the sullen northern highlands. It is Prince James who contacts Gabriel, concerned about his infant son's well-being. The Stewarts are stalked, it would appear, though by what and why is something that Gabriel will have to plumb the depths of Rennes-le-Château to discover.
Gabriel Knight 3 - Testamento del Diablo - Mesmi.png Mesmi
Gabriel Knight 3 - Testamento del Diablo - Mallory.png Mallory
Gabriel Knight 3 - Testamento del Diablo - McDougall.png McDougall
Gabriel Knight 3 - Testamento del Diablo - Larry Chester (Sinclair).png Larry Chester/Sinclair
Gabriel Knight 3 - Testamento del Diablo - Simone.png Simone
Gabriel Knight 3 - Testamento del Diablo - Roxanne.png Roxanne




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Actualmente se recomienda usar el nuevo instalador para GK3, que facilitará mucho las cosas.--cireja 16:45 23 sep 2013

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